What is God's plan?

Many Christians get really (really!) upset when I asked, what is God's plan for them.  

Usually I get funny look or get backlash because they direct their frustration of not knowing and shifting the blame to me.  But I am glad that the question challenges their thoughts but it made me ponder on why do they get so agitated?  

Could it be because they are ashamed because they do not know God's plan for them? Or they do not know God that well? Or they do not know Him at all?  Maybe that sounded a bit harsh, but that's the reality.  There is a huge difference between knowing about God and knowing God.  Most people these days in urban area know about Jesus but they never truly seek and establish a relationship with Him.  God is usually a one sided affair; God please bless me because I need this and that and those too.  Often we become like a spoilt brat children that keep demanding things from their father. We worship for the wrong reasons.  

Could it be because they do not want to stir the hornet's nest!  As long I have good health, having fun with my friends, stable job or prosperous thriving business with great income to pay for my house and for those with children, good education.  I don't do harm to other people, so I am fine.  I only live once and I want to do my own thing and I want to travel and see the world before I die. I am thankful.  Sometimes I pay my dues at church and occasionally do some sort of charity work.  I am good! - Does that sound familiar to you?  Do you have any idols in your life?  Be it your career, your family, your ministry, your business, your possession?  Transformation or revival usually hurt and make us uncomfortable. We want to remain carnally and we want to live in a box of our own.  Some even live selfishly in a building that they call church.  

Could it be because of complacency?  As the time draw closer, many churchgoers are satisfied with their attendance on Sundays and sometimes at prayer meets.  A few occasionally involve themselves in some sort of ministry work when they have the free time.  That's a great start and I am encouraged to see the involvement of more people but God is the one that truly know the desire of our heart.  Are we doing it out of God's Love or we just want to occupy our time or certain motives?  Usually others, are plagued with the thinking of there is always another day; I am not good at it or wait until I retire.  Worship is a lifestyle; age and ability is not a limit because it involves our whole life and our life is at God's mercy every moment.  

Our Lord doesn't hide things from us, but we are often not prepared to receive them and until we are in the right condition in our spiritual life.  Jesus said, (John 16:12) "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now".  When we believe and receive the power of the risen Lord.   His Word will become understandable.  God cannot reveal anything to us if we don't have His Spirit.  And without repentance, our own understanding and worldly opinion will effectively prevent God from revealing anything to us.  I was once spiritually blinded and the Bible never made any sense to me until His amazing grace set me free.  

The bible most quoted verse (John 3:16) For "God so love the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  Nothing we can do less or do more can change that.  Believe and by God's grace we are save.  However having Faith in Him does not give us a license to continue sinning against our Lord nor does it make us free from prosecutions or problems in this fallen world.  Perseverance by embracing His Love and promises is the only hope we have.  Keep learning just like the disciples and be encouraged to continue to strengthen your faith.  Or pride will take over life!  

God made us to worship Him. He wants us to worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.  I pray that you and I will not have any idols in our life that hinders our relationship with Jesus. He gave us unconditional love that He died and was pierces for our sins and He was raised to give us all hope for those who believe and repent from our unbelief.  Truly, no one can see the Kingdom of God until they are born again.  

If you have never had a relationship with Christ before and regardless of where you are reading this, I invite you to bow your head and quietly whisper the prayer that will change your eternity: "Jesus, I believe in you and I receive you.  Thank you for dying on the cross to pay for all my sins.  As much as I know how, I ask you to come into my life and help me learn to know you, trust you, and love you. Change my life. Amen"  

Go ahead!  If you have sincerely prayed the prayer, Congratulation!  Seek your pastor or closest church to help you grow spiritually.  

So what is God's plan for you life?  As you grow, humbly ask and it shall be given.  He is always with us and never forsakes us.  Jesus my living God speaks all the time, as you ask and learn to listen.   May the will of Jesus, the Lord of your life, be done through you on earth as in Heaven.    

All praise to be the Lord.  God Bless.


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