Kuching Famous Pisang Goreng

I was told by the owners that the stall have been in operation for over 50+ years. Amazing! The two sisters are the 3rd generation managing the hand-me down business.
Only selected banana variant are used for their pisang goreng. After peeling the skins, the core is then sliced into shape and dipped in a special flour mixture. The batter covered bananas are then deep fried in hot oil until golden brown.
Careful frying, to ensure the bananas are cooked at the right pace for crispiness. Golden treasure in the making!
Besides the popular crispy and tasteful pisang goreng, a selection of yams and sweet potatoes are available. My favorite Kerbang or buah sukun however are only available seasonally.
The stall only operate for a short period of time, normally from noon until sold out (4 to 6 p.m) Don't miss it, if you are in the neighborhood. To enjoy, eat them while hot and who knows, one might spot me eating there too. :)
Mine is use spring roll's skin and spread with red bean paste. No flour mixture used.
Very different. :)
Besides, it's still cheap and nice.